Dot voting
A simple voting exercise to identify a group’s collective priorities.
To reach a consensus on priorities of subjective, qualitative data with a group of people. This is especially helpful with larger groups of stakeholders and groups with high risk of disagreement.
How to do it
- Bring plenty of sticky notes and colored stickers to the meeting.
- Gather everyone on the product team and anyone with a stake in the product.
- Quickly review the project’s goals and the conclusions of any prior user research.
- Ask team members to take five minutes to write important features or user needs on sticky notes. (One feature per sticky note.)
- After five minutes, ask participants to put their stickies on a board. If there are many sticky notes, ask participants to put their features next to similar ones. Remove exact duplicates.
- Give participants three to five colored stickers and instruct them to place their stickers on features they feel are most important to meeting the project’s goals and user needs.
- Identify the features with the largest number of stickers (votes).
Applied in government research
No PRA implications: dot voting falls under “direct observation”, which is explicitly exempt from the PRA, 5 CFR 1320(h)3. See the methods for Recruiting and Privacy for more tips on taking input from the public.