October 08, 2014 / by Open Data Portal Team / In Open Data , Data Portal

Dataset updates are failing - 10/8/2014

Many of the automated jobs we use to update datasets are failing. This problem started to a limited degree yesterday afternoon, causing us to miss some updates on datasets that update frequently during the day, but became more severe with our overnight jobs that feed most of our regularly updated datasets.

We are working on the problem, as well as retrying individual jobs as they fail – although they often fail again.

In almost all cases, our jobs are designed to catch up if previous runs have failed.  We are not aware of any failures today for the small number of datasets that would not be able to make up for missed runs.  Therefore, we are not expecting any data to be lost permanently.  Datasets just may not be as up-to-date as usual until this problem has been resolved.

We will post any significant updates, either as modifications to this post or new posts.

The tags below include the database identifiers (often known as a 4x4 or four-by-four) for datasets known to be affected, although this might not be a complete list.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Update 10/9/2014 - The automated jobs have been working again since yesterday afternoon.  We are cautiously optimistic that the problem has been fixed.